February 1,2022 Ahmed Ikram

6 Reasons Why You Need A Child Care Management Solution (Like Parent)

Let’s take a moment to admire the beauty (and avoid the terror) of the 21st century. It’s 2022; cars still don’t fly, but everything worth knowing, keeping, and running is on a cloud somewhere. Lightning-fast access to information; automation taking care of every menial task; adaptive AI predicting the way we live, breathe and operate in daily life.

And then there’s (hopefully not) you, writing down attendance on an Excel sheet and wondering where that one invoice went among the mountains of paperwork. We don’t mean to be mean, but we both know you deserve better.

From administrative tasks and waitlists to meal plans and billing, managing a daycare center can be (read: very much is) quite demanding. What if we told you there is an easier way to manage your business from A-Z, without the unnecessary paperwork and unwanted headache?

Child care management software lets you streamline all administrative tasks that are commonly done at preschools and daycare centers. These include billing and invoicing, sending payment reminders, instant messaging between parents and teachers or teachers and staff, logging children’s learning journeys, sharing mealtimes and updates, creating and updating calendars, and so much more.

Parent takes the load off your back, allowing you to focus on more important tasks, like taking care of the children at your center. These are six ways Parent child care management Software will make your life easier.


1. Easier Communication

Communication has never been easier, thanks to child care management software (like Parent). Users can easily keep in touch and enjoy 3-way connections: Parents can contact parents, teachers can contact teachers, and teachers or administration can stay in close contact with a child’s parents. All messages are secure and sent and received in real-time, making it ten times easier to share updates on the go about meals, nap times, potty training, activities, and more.


2. Digitized Registration 

Gone are the days of having to deal with giant stacks of paperwork and written reminders. Now, registration has gone digital. Not only do you save time and energy, but you are also contributing to protecting the environment. Registration forms, medical records, contact information, emergency contact information, schedules, and waitlists can all be on a single user-friendly system and not scattered across the desk and floor. 


3. Real-Time Media Sharing

Now, Andrew’s mother doesn’t have to call the center to ask what her son is doing. She just needs to open her mobile and check the updated feed. Quite like a social network, modern child care management solutions (such as Parent) give users the chance to share photos, videos, and documents at once. While that might already get parents excited to see what’s happening during their child’s day, some solutions (again, Parent) have Zoom integration that allows for sharing live videos of the center’s events and activities. 


4. Easily Track Child Development 

Parents want to see progress in their child’s development. Many child care management software and solutions allow users to share media, much like any other communication software. With Parent, for example, you can share updates about a child’s learning journey, from taking their first steps to learning the alphabet, all in a comprehensive, dedicated file with images.

Assessments, observations, 2-year checks, multiple updated curriculums and evolving activity libraries are only some ways child care solutions such as Parent keep you involved in your child’s early years journey.


5. Manage Finances in One Place

No more calculators, spreadsheets, or headaches. A major perk of using a child care management system is that you get to stop struggling over the company’s finances. From setting up automated payment reminders, to managing your expenses, and sending invoices, you can manage the center’s finances in the palm of your hand.


6. Keep Track of Dates and Events

A good child care management System makes your daily tasks easier by allowing you to see all events, activities, and holidays in one place. You won’t need Post-its, to-do lists, or reminders on your mobile. With Parent’s calendar, manage all your tasks and events at once. Have a holiday coming up? The holiday feature lets you ask staff when they’ll be available to work during the holidays, so you can relay the information to the parents and easily determine operating hours.


Say goodbye to paperwork, missed deadlines, and stress, and hello to child care management software. You’ll thank us later!

Parent is available on Google Play and  App Store for smartphones, tablets and online via our portal.

Ahmed Ikram

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